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the big name website
*world news

G8 are now all stuck in the day-to-day drudgery that is the world of work - except George, and even he's heading that way. However, we do still find time to have fun here and there, and this is where you can read about it.

Look in the margin below to read about all the past stories on this site.
- total visitors since 28th Jan 2001
Past news stories

Clifford's party   Aug '02
Japan 2002 diary   June '02
Japan 2002 picture index   June '02
Return of the Mack   March '02
Battered photos poll
   March '02
G8 Dictionary, part 3   March '02
Jimmy Down Under, part 2   March '02
G8 Dictionary, part 2
    Feb '02
Jimmy Down Under
   Feb '02
Christmas Dinner
   Dec '01
Sam Thompson's diary
   Dec '01
Jimmy and Yuhei fly out
   Nov '01
Understanding G8
   Nov '01
G8 fakers
   Oct '01
Reading festival    Aug '01
Yuhei returns home 
  June '01
Radiohead in South Park   June '01
Exeter Ball   April '01
Clifford arrested!   April '01
Jimmy's birthday   Jan '01
Amsterdam   Jan '01
New Year   Dec / Jan '01
Fox's birthday   Dec '00
Christmas Dinner   Dec '00

Past sporting stories

Football Dinner 2002   March '02
MCR Semi-Final   March '02
German Wankers XI
   Feb '02
Madden Fields controversy
   Feb '02
MCR title triumph
    Dec '01
World Cup draw   Dec '01
    Sep '01
Germany 1-5 England   Sep'01
Cricket season   May '01
24-hour poker   May '01
Football dinner   March '01
Annexe cricket   March '01
Poker tournament   Feb '01
A classic cup tie   Feb '01
Football vs Linacre   Feb '01
Banter Cricket   Jan '01
Football vs Hertford   Dec '00

Exeter College Darts
  big names

Sadly this guestbook has a maximum limit of 200 entries, after which the first one gets deleted. If it wasn't for this there would probably be several thousand entries by now. It seems that this is proof that none of us have anything better to do.

view guestbook
sign guestbook
So what are G8 doing now?

Everyone in G8 now seems to have finished their stiou course. What are we going to do with ourselves? How will we stay in touch with you and each other?

g8online now has out-of-date profiles of its members (I'll sort it out sometime) which, as well as including photos of everyone, now explain where we are, what we are doing there, and how to get in touch with us. Just visit the Big Names section.
I've done the Japan diary.
The words you never thought you'd read. Finally, more than three months after the event, I've finished my ridiculously long summary of our antics in Japan. So if you want to read about 1000-armed statues, heroic mountain climbing attempts and a million Japanese football fans armed with cameras, click here to read the complete account of the whole holiday.
Other stuff

Obviously there's been a lot of water under the bridge since I last updated the website. Luckily, I haven't got photos of most of it, which relieves me of the obligation of writing it up on the website. However, I do now have internet access at home, so if I do find something that's worthy of putting on the site, you can rest assured that it'll happen. Probably.

First up, Sultoon has persuaded me to add the poll below to the site so that he and Fox can rig it.
The Pointless Poll
Which of these recent US Ryder Cup golfers is the worst bloke?

Scott Hoch
David Duval
Fred Couples
Payne Stewart
Scott Verplank
Phil Mickelson
Tom Lehman
Paul Azinger
Corey Pavin
Lee Janzen

Current Results