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Day One  
Monday 27th May
Perhaps not the most exciting day of the trip, since all we did was get on a plane and sit still for hours. There were certain aspects of the journey that provided a little relief from the tedium, however, notably the imaginative and accommodating stewardess named Geraldine. The little screens in front of each seat were also equipped with a number of diverting entertainment possibilities, notably "Bird View", which unfortunately was the view outside the plane, and not a Stewardess Cam.

However, with the film highlights on the screens being Shallow Hal and Vanilla Sky, the hours became longer and longer, with George claiming that Vanilla Sky was the only film he had ever watched which actually made time pass more slowly. Being stuck in a middle seat next to the fattest person on the plane did nothing to improve his mood, and by Kharbarovsk (a place in Eastern Russia which was the only city marked on the inflight map in a 2000 mile radius) we were all praying for arrival in Tokyo. Luckily, we touched down safely only a couple of hours later, but by now it was
Day Two.